Sarah Rivett

Professor of English and American Studies; Acting Associate Chair, Department of English




32A McCosh Hall


Sarah Rivett is Professor of English and American Studies. She is an interdisciplinary scholar, specializing in early American and transatlantic literature, religion, and indigenous history. She is an interdisciplinary scholar, specializing in early American and transatlantic literature, religion, and indigenous history.  She is the author of The Science of the Soul in Colonial New England (2011), which was awarded the Brewer Prize of the American Society of Church History. The Science of the Soul explores intersections between the scientific revolution and the rise of Protestantism in Anglo America. Her second book, Unscripted America: Indigenous Languages and the Origins of  Literary Nation (2017), explores the impact of colonial language encounters between indigenous and European populations on Enlightenment language philosophy and early American literary history from the mid-seventeenth century through the 1820s. She is currently working on a study of the supernatural across a variety of eighteenth-century genres from court trials to sermons to gothic novels and ghost stories.

Sarah Rivett is on the Executive Committee for Canadian Studies. Read her full biography on the Department of English website.

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